Colorado River Trails: Something for Everyone!

About the Riverfront Trail
The Riverfront Trail system is an ongoing 30+ year-old valley-wide project to provide an uninterrupted public trail system from Palisade to Fruita. Thousands of hours and dollars have been donated to provide a safe haven for native plants and animals, and a welcome break from our busy lives. By behaving wisely, we can minimize our impact on wildlife, their habitat, and other trail users. There are thousands of people who enjoy the trails each year. In order to extend the life of our beloved trail system, we ask that you please practice low impact recreation and do your part to keep our trails clean.
Future trail planning
The current plan is to complete the section of trail from Grand Junction to Palisade. We are communicating with landowners and our partners to keep new trail options open. One Riverfront manages fundraising efforts such as the Riverfront Concert Series and Round Up for the Riverfront to use as seed money for grant applications and matching funds for land purchase initiatives.

The Trail System
Download the following trail maps: Clifton Nature Trails | The Grand Valley | Audubon – Blue Heron – Connected Lakes Trails | Monument View | Palisade – Riverbend Park | Riverside – Las Colonias – Eagle Rim
Please help ensure a pleasurable experience for you and other trail users by following these guidelines and rules:
- Although trail difficulties range from easy to moderate, choose trails based on the user’s ability.
- Wear helmets on bicycles.
- Be courteous to others and share the trail.
- Control pets with a handheld leash at all times.
- Pick up and properly dispose of pet waste.
- Ride or walk along the right side and warn others of your approach from behind.
- Yield to slower traffic and adjust your biking speed when approaching other trail users
- Respect the rights of adjacent property owners; please stay on the designated trail.
- No motorized vehicles.
- Motorized wheelchairs and other ADA-compliant powered conveyances allowed.
- No fires or camping.
- No fireworks.
- No littering.
- No graffiti or marking on trail signs, pavement, or structures.
- No alcoholic beverages.
Report accidents on the trail directly to the Police Department (Dial 911) and reference the number on the nearest trail emergency marker.
Report trail maintenance concerns or vandalism to One Riverfront at (970) 683-4333 or by email:
There may be dates and times for which some sections of the Riverfront Trail will have very heavy use because of special events. There may be temporary closures due to damage. There may also be closures or delays in clearing the trail for use during inclement weather or flooding conditions. When there are major impacts to the trail that we are aware of, we will post them on our Facebook page. Bicyclists should be aware of weeds along the trail that can puncture tires. “Goat heads” are common throughout the Grand Valley and may be encountered along all sections of the trail. It is recommended to have a spare tube along with you and the knowledge of how to change it.
What sections are not complete?
The west end of Riverbend Park in Palisade at 36 ¼ Road to 33 ½ Road in Grand Junction, and from 29 Road to 27 ½ Road in Grand Junction are not dedicated trail, and require the use of surface streets. One Riverfront has been unsuccessful in securing the easements needed for trail construction but has been working cooperatively with both the landowners and other involved entities to resolve issues and minimize safety concerns. In the meantime, One Riverfront advises all trail users to travel safely and use caution when traveling along roadways between trail sections.
How do I navigate the trail between Riverside and Las Colonias section and the Parks and Wildlife Section?
Trail users traveling east from the Riverside and Las Colonias section to the Parks and Wildlife section may use C ½ Road, and turn right (south) onto the trail, and follow it under the 29 Road bridge, then north to the Parks and Wildlife section. The Parks and Wildlife trail marker is visible and designates the trail through the park. Trail users traveling west from the Parks and Wildlife section to the Riverside and Las Colonias Section may turn left (south) on the trail parallel to 29 Road, travel under the 29 Road bridge, then turn left on to C ½ Road. C ½ Road provides access to the trail. Please bike or walk responsibly, watch for automobile traffic along roadways, and follow all the rules of the road.
How do I track the mileage along Riverfront Trails?
There are emergency markers posted at quarter mile increments along the trail, each marker indicates the nearest road designation. These may be helpful in keeping track of the distance you’ve traveled along the trail. There are many trail access points so we do not provide exact distances along the various sections of the trail.
There is a user fee for all Colorado River State Parks within the Grand Valley. The Riverfront Trail passes through several State Park fee areas. Signs are posted to inform you when entering a Colorado River State Park fee area. Those using park amenities such as picnic areas, water features, restrooms, etc. are required to pay the Day Use fee, or present proof of your Annual Parks pass. Pedestrian traffic (walking or bicycling) utilizing the trail solely as a thoroughfare for recreation or commuting are not required to pay a day use fee. Note: Colorado Parks and Wildlife does not consider the Connected Lakes trail as a part of the Riverfront Trail, therefore a Colorado Parks and Wildlife day pass or annual pass is required while in the Connected Lakes area. Please reference Colorado State Parks website for additional information.
Use these maps for your convenience, knowing that you and others who may rely on your use assume all risk and responsibility. One Riverfront, City of Grand Junction, Mesa County, City of Fruita, Town of Palisade, and Colorado State Parks and Wildlife are not liable for any damages or injuries resulting from the use of this information. The information included in this website is the property of One Riverfront. You may view, use, download, copy, e-mail, distribute, and/or print the information from this website, subject to the following conditions: (1) The information shall not be used or displayed in any manner for commercial purposes without the written consent of One Riverfront; (2) The information shall not be used or displayed in any manner for public purposes unless attributed to One Riverfront; (3) The information may be used solely for personal, informational, non-commercial purposes; The information is not altered, transformed, manipulated, or otherwise modified, unless One Riverfront consents.